Macro dynec::archetype

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archetype!() { /* proc-macro */ }
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Declares archetypes.


use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::num::NonZeroU16;

dynec::archetype! {
    /// This is an example archetype.
    /// We can document it and apply attributes on it.
    pub Foo;

    /// Multiple archetypes can be declared in the same block
    /// separated by semicolons.
    /// The trailing semicolon is optional.
    pub(crate) Bar;

    /// Options can be applied in parentheses.
    pub Qux(raw_entity = NonZeroU16, recycler = BTreeSet<NonZeroU16>);

static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(Foo: dynec::Archetype);
static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(Bar: dynec::Archetype);

Since documentation, attributes, visibility and the trailing semicolon are optional, a private undocumented archetype can be declared in a single line as well:

static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(Foo: dynec::Archetype);


Options are applied in parentheses after an archetype identifier. Multiple options are separated by commas.

§raw_entity = $ty

Selects the backing type for entity ID for entities of this archetype. The default value is NonZeroU32.

§recycler = $ty

Selects the data structure used in the recycling entity allocator to recycle freed IDs. The default value is Vec<#raw_entity>.

§shard_assigner = $ty

Selects the strategy to assign available entity IDs to different hsards. The default value is ThreadRngShardAssigner.